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Join the club of Microsoft Excel Masters who’ve cut through the maze of confusion and made communication about numbers easier. See a snapshot of each course below.
Call 1-905-829-1111 to “Ask the Trainer” which program level is right for you (and get a detailed description of each course). Learn practical techniques and tools in Microsoft Excel training so you can work smarter, not harder.
Progressive Training’s comprehensive Excel program is broken down into three separate one-day courses, guaranteed to change your use of Microsoft Excel forever.
Level 1: Basic
Target Student:
This course is for those who are new to Microsoft Excel and want to gain confidence navigating the interface, using functions and formulas, and formatting their work to present it clearly.
Course Length: 6 hours (1 day)
Learning Objectives:
In this course you will combine, analyze, and display data using Excel's powerful features, and learn the basics of how to use macros to further extend Excel's capabilities:
• Use Data Validation to restrict data entry and create dropdowns
• Save documents as a template to make sure they always look and work the same way
• Use outlining tools to group and subtotal your data
• Import and export data
• Perform a What-If analysis by creating scenarios and using data analysis tools such as Goal Seek and Solver
• Record and manage macros
• Edit basic macros using the Visual Basic Editor
• Link and consolidate data
• Analyze data with Pivot Tables and visualize with PivotCharts
• Visualize data with Sparklines and Conditional Formatting
Course Outline:
Section 1: Exploring the User Interface
Backstage View
Ribbon Overview
Quick Access Toolbar
Status Bar
Shortcut Key Tips
Contextual Tabs
Section 2 : Creating, Opening and Saving Workbooks
What is Excel?
Create a New Blank Workbook
Open Excel Files
Save Workbooks
Navigate a Workbook
Section 3: Working with Data
Basic Data Types
Enter, Edit and Delete Data
Use Autocomplete and Autofill
Resize Columns and Rows
Insert and Delete Columns, Rows, Cells
Hide and Unhide Columns and Rows
Use Undo, Redo and Repeat
Spellcheck and AutoCorrect
Use Find, Replace and Go To
Cut, Copy, Paste and Paste Special
Use the Fill Handle
Section 4: Performing Calculations
Use Basic Formulas
Use Basic Functions
Understand Absolute and Relative Cell References
Section 5 : Formatting A Workbook
Work with Fonts and Font Attributes
Apply Borders and Shading
Use the Format Painter
Change Text Alignment
Wrap Text
Apply Manual Line Breaks
Rotate Text
Merge and Centre Text
Create and Modify Styles
Apply Number Formats
Clear Formatting
Section 6 : Managing Large Workbooks
Rename Worksheets
Colour-code Worksheet Tab Colours
Copy, Move, Delete, and Group Worksheets Work with Freeze Panes
Section 7 : Printing and Viewing a Workbook
Work with Print Preview and Page Layout View
Change Margins and Page Orientation
Scale to Fit Worksheets
Insert Headers and Footers
Print Titles Across All Pages
Work with Page Breaks
Review Print Option