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Join the club of Microsoft Excel Masters who’ve cut through the maze of confusion and made communication about numbers easier. See a snapshot of each course below.
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Progressive Training’s comprehensive Excel program is broken down into three separate one-day courses, guaranteed to change your use of Microsoft Excel forever.
Level 3: Advanced
Target Student:
This course is for users who are familiar with Excel and who wish to expand their knowledge and use of advanced data analysis and time-saving features.
Course Length: 6 hours (1 day)
Learning Objectives:
In this course you will combine, analyze, and display data using Excel's powerful features, and learn the basics of how to use macros to further extend Excel's capabilities
Use Data Validation to restrict data entry and create dropdowns
Save documents as a template to make sure they always look and work the same way
Use outlining tools to group and subtotal your data
Import and export data
Perform a What-If analysis by creating scenarios and using data analysis tools such as Goal Seek and Solver
Record and manage macros
Edit basic macros using the Visual Basic Editor
Link and consolidate data
Analyze data with Pivot Tables and visualize with PivotCharts
Visualize data with Sparklines and Conditional Formatting
Course Outline:
Section 1: Enhancing Workbooks
Background Pictures
Updating Workbook Properties
Preparing a Workbook for Multiple Audiences
Add Alternative Text to Objects
Modify Worksheets Using the Accessibility Checker Manage Fonts
Managing Themes
About Themes
Customize Themes
Creating and Using Templates
Create a Template
Modify a Template
Adding Data Validation Criteria
Data Validation
The Data Validation Dialog Box
Section 2: Working with Multiple Workbooks
Linking Cells in Workbooks
Understand External References
Link Cells Link between worksheets and workbooks
Consolidating Data
Data Consolidation
The Consolidate Dialog Box
Section 3: Analyzing Data
Create Scenarios
What is a Scenario?
The Scenario Manager Dialog Box
Perform A What-if Analysis
Add-in Types
Goal Seek Feature
The Solver Tool
Perform A Statistical Analysis with the Analysis Toolpack
Add and Review the Analysis Toolpack
Section 4: Importing and Exporting Excel Data
The Export Process
The Import Process
The Get External Data Group
Delimited Text Files
Methods of Importing Text Files
Publish as Web Page
Section 5 : Automating Worksheet Functionality
Creating and Editing a Macro
What are Macros?
The Record Macro Dialog Box
Name Macros
Visual Basic for Application
Copying Macros Between Workbooks
Macro Security Settings
Difference between a Relative and Absolute Macro
Section 6: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables, Slicers, and Pivot Charts
Creating a Pivot Table
Pivot Tables
The Create Pivot Table Dialog Box
The Pivot Table Fields Pane
Summarize Data in a Pivot Table
The "Show Values As" Functionality of a Pivot Table
Create a Calculated Field
Refresh the Pivot Table Data
Add Style to a Pivot Table
Work with Subtotals and Grand Totals Introduction to PowerPivot
Filtering Pivot Table Data
Use the Field Headers
Use the Pivot Table Dialog Box
Use Slicers
Analyzing Data with Pivot Charts
Create Pivot Charts
Filter with Pivot Charts
Section 7: Presenting Data : Presenting Data Visually
Conditional Formatting
What is Conditional Formatting?
The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager Dialog Box
Using formulas in conditional formatting
Using Sparklines
What is a Sparkline?
Types of Sparklines
The Sparkline Tools - Design Tab